AE 7: Exam 2 Review


Go to the course GitHub organization and locate the repo titled ae-7-exam-2-review-YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME to get started.



# fix data!
loans_full_schema <- droplevels(loans_full_schema)


Create a model for precicting interest_rate.

View data

Note the dimensions of the data and the variable names. Review the data dictionary.

# add code here

Split data into training and testing

Split your data into testing and training sets.

# add code here

Write the model

Write the model for predicting interest rate (interest_rate) from debt to income ratio (debt_to_income), the term of loan (term), the number of inquiries (credit checks) into the applicant’s credit during the last 12 months (inquiries_last_12m), whether there are any bankruptcies listed in the public record for this applicant (bankrupt), and the type of application (application_type). The model should allow for the effect of to income ratio on interest rate to vary by application type.

Add model here


Explore characteristics of the variables you’ll use for the model using the training data only.

# add code here

Specify model

Specify a linear regression model. Call it office_spec.

# add code here

Create recipe

  • Predict interest_rate from debt_to_income, term, inquiries_last_12m, public_record_bankrupt, and application_type.
  • Mean center debt_to_income.
  • Make term a factor.
  • Create a new variable: bankrupt that takes on the value “no” if public_record_bankrupt is 0 and the value “yes” if public_record_bankrupt is 1 or higher. Then, remove public_record_bankrupt.
  • Interact application_type with debt_to_income.
  • Create dummy variables where needed and drop any zero variance variables.
# add code here

Create workflow

Create the workflow that brings together the model specification and recipe.

# add code here

Cross validation

Conduct 10-fold cross validation.

# add code here

Summarize CV metrics

Summarize metrics from your CV resamples.

# add code here

Why are we focusing on R-squared and RMSE instead of adjusted R-squared, AIC, BIC?

[Add response here]

Next steps…

Depending on time, either

  • Create a workflow for another model with a new recipe (omitting the interaction variable), conduct CV, do model selection between these two, and then interpret the coefficients for the selected model.
  • Or interpret the coefficients for the one model you fit.

Make sure to interpret the intercept and slope coefficient for at least one numerical, one categorical, and one interaction predictor.